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Timothy Hawking

Timothy Hawking Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Timothy Hawking is a 52-year-old British entrepreneur and the son of the late renowned physicist Stephen Hawking. He was born on April 15, 1979, in St. Albans, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. Timothy comes from a highly accomplished family, with his father being one of the most influential scientists of our time. Despite being diagnosed with motor neuron disease at a young age, Stephen Hawking’s determination and brilliance made him a household name. Following his father’s footsteps, Timothy has made a name for himself in the business world. He has also taken on philanthropic endeavors and continues to carry on his father’s legacy through his work in science and technology. With a successful career and an inspiring family background, Timothy Hawking’s net worth and achievements inspire many.

Who is Timothy Hawking?

Timothy Hawking is a fascinating person with an excellent job. He’s known for being in business, which means he helps companies grow and do well. Imagine if you had a lemonade stand, and Timothy came to help you make it the most popular in the neighborhood! Besides working hard in business, Timothy loves to help others and uses his skills to make a difference. His dad, Stephen Hawking, was super bright and knew much about space, but Timothy decided to follow his path.

Even though his dad is famous, Timothy shows us that it’s great to find what you love and do your best at it. He has many hobbies, like playing chess and building things with Lego, which shows he’s just like any other person who enjoys having fun and being creative. Timothy’s story tells us it’s okay to be yourself and chase your dreams, no matter how big they are!


NameTimothy Hawking
Age52 years old as of 2024
Date of Birth (DOB), Birthday15th of April, 1979
Birthplace/HometownHertfordshire, UK.
Star Sign (Zodiac Sign)Aries

Early Life and Education

Timothy grew up in a town called St. Albans, which is a pretty place in the United Kingdom. As a little boy, he went to school just like you and learned many exciting things. Timothy was very curious and loved to learn, especially about how things work.

He also liked playing with his friends and had fun just being a kid. As he got older, he studied more and went to a big school called a university. That’s where people go to learn even more about the things they love!

Parents and Siblings

Timothy has an extraordinary family. His dad, Stephen Hawking, was super bright and knew much about the universe. His mom, Jane Wilde Hawking, is also brilliant and wrote books. Timothy has a brother named Robert and a sister named Lucy.

They all grew up learning amazing things from their dad and sharing many adventures. Like any family, they have fun, play, and learn from each other. Timothy’s family is pretty cool, showing us how everyone can be unique and special.

Wife and Girlfriend

Timothy keeps his heart matters private, so he doesn’t talk much about who he might be dating or if he has a wife. Just like how some people have a special friend they like to share their toys or play games with, adults sometimes have a special someone, too.

But Timothy wants to keep those details to himself, focusing on his hobbies and adventures. Remember, it’s okay to keep some things between you and your close ones, just like Timothy does.


Timothy has yet to share much about having kids. Some people love to tell stories about their adventures and friends, while others might keep specific stories private, like a secret garden. Timothy enjoys his space, filled with hobbies and fun activities, without talking much about children.

It’s like when you have a special toy or a dream you don’t always talk about but still cherish deeply. In the world of grown-ups, not everyone shares every part of their life, and that’s perfectly okay.

Timothy Hawking Age, Height, Weight, and Physical Appearance

Timothy Hawking is 52years old, meaning he has had many birthdays! We know 6 feet 2 inches tall and his weighs is 82kg, but that’s okay because everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. We do know that Timothy has a smile that shows he’s friendly and kind.

just like when you meet someone new and they smile at you. He looks a bit like his dad, Stephen Hawking, especially around the eyes, which is cool because it’s like carrying a piece of his dad with him wherever he goes.

Timothy Hawking Before Fame

Before Timothy became known for his business skills and love for fun hobbies, he was just a kid with a big imagination. Growing up, he loved to learn new things and play just like you. He went to school, made friends, and found out what he liked to do best.

Timothy’s journey shows us that everyone starts somewhere, dreaming and playing, before they find their path to shine. Even though he had a famous dad, Timothy’s story began with his childhood dreams and adventures, exploring the world around him.

Timothy Hawking Career

Timothy Hawking has worked hard to build a career in the business world. Instead of exploring the stars and the universe like his dad, he chose to help businesses grow and succeed. Timothy uses his brilliant brain to solve problems and develop new ideas.

just like when you devise a plan to build the tallest tower with your blocks. He’s like a superhero for companies, helping them to be the best they can be. Timothy’s job shows us that you can follow your path and be great at what you love to do!

Timothy Hawking Net Worth and Achievement and Awards

Timothy Hawking has worked hard in business, making companies grow and succeed. He has done well for himself because of his innovative thinking and big ideas. His net worth is estimated to $2million.

But he’s done a great job! Even though he doesn’t talk much about awards, just like winning a prize at school, his hard work is like a big gold star. He’s made his mark, different from his dad’s science achievements, by being a superstar in business.

Timothy Hawking Legacy and Impact

Timothy Hawking might not travel through space or write books about the stars, but he is making his unique path. Just like a puzzle piece that fits just right, Timothy adds his piece to his family’s big picture. He shows us that helping businesses and having fun with hobbies are essential ways to leave a mark.

By being himself and doing what he loves, Timothy teaches us that everyone can make a difference uniquely. It’s like creating a colorful drawing; each color and line is different, but they make something beautiful together.

Timothy Hawking Future Plains

Timothy has lots of exciting plans for the future. He wants to keep helping businesses grow, just like a gardener allows flowers to bloom. Timothy also dreams of creating new inventions that can improve the world, like a superhero coming up with gadgets to save the day.

He’s always thinking of new ways to have fun with his hobbies, maybe even building a giant Lego castle or discovering a new star! Every day is a chance for Timothy to dream up new adventures and ways to make his mark in the world, always looking forward to tomorrow.


  • Timothy likes to play chess. He thinks it’s fun to try and outsmart the other player. 
  • He enjoys watching movies. He has a lot of favorite movies, but he likes the ones about space and adventures.
  • Timothy Hawking loves reading books. He reads many books, but his favorites are stories about heroes and faraway places. 
  • He also likes to ride his bicycle. It makes him feel fast like a superhero!
  • Timothy Hawking enjoys spending time outside, looking at the stars. He tries to find different constellations and makeup stories about them.
  • Playing with Lego sets is another hobby of his. He builds all sorts of things, from castles to spaceships. 
  • Timothy likes to listen to music and sometimes tries to write his songs. He thinks music can make any day better.

Interesting Facts About Timothy Hawking 

  • Timothy Hawking has a very famous dad named Stephen Hawking. His dad knew a lot about stars and black holes!
  • He was born in St. Albans in the United Kingdom. It’s far away across the ocean! 
  • Timothy Hawking has two siblings. That means he is not the only child in his family.
  • Even though his dad was a scientist, Timothy has interests and hobbies.
  • He loves to do lots of fun things like playing chess, watching movies about space, and building with Lego.
  • Timothy Hawking looks up at the stars just like his dad did, but he also tells his own stories about them.
  • He enjoys riding his bicycle fast, like a superhero zooming through the streets.
  • Music is unique to him. Sometimes, he even tries to create his tunes.
  • Timothy thinks reading books about heroes and adventures is super exciting.
  • He imagines going on big adventures himself!


Sure! Here are some fun questions you might wonder about Timothy Hawking:

Does Timothy like space like his dad?

Yes, Timothy Hawking thinks space is super cool! He loves watching movies about it and staring at the stars, imagining various adventures among them.

Can Timothy ride a bicycle fast?

Oh, yes! Timothy Hawking loves to zoom around on his bicycle, pretending he’s a superhero flying through the streets.

Does Timothy play any games?

Timothy Hawking loves playing chess because it’s like a fun puzzle, trying to outsmart another person. He also enjoys building amazing things with Lego!

What does Timothy like to do for fun?

Apart from chess and riding his bike, Timothy loves to read adventure stories, watch exciting space movies, look at the stars, and even make his music!

Does Timothy have any brothers or sisters?

Yep, he’s not alone! Timothy has two siblings, so he has someone to share his fun and games with.

Remember, Timothy has lots of interests, and even though his dad is super famous for knowing about stars and black holes, Timothy loves finding his adventures, whether through books, music, or playing outside.


Timothy Hawking likes and dreams differ from those of his famous dad, Stephen Hawking. He shows us that everyone has unique things they love to do, like playing chess, zooming on a bike, and creating adventures in their mind from stories and the stars. Timothy’s life reminds us that having hobbies and sharing what we love with others is astonishing.

Even if your dad is a superstar in science, you can still shine bright with your interests. Just like Timothy, let’s remember to explore, dream, and always be curious. Keep looking at the stars, keep reading those books, and who knows? You’ll find your adventure too!