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Annabel Redd

Annabel Redd Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Annabel Redd is a young American actress who has overtaken the adult film industry. She was born on June 6, 1997, in Richmond, Virginia, and is currently 26 years old. Annabel’s real name is unknown, but she is famous for her stage name. As a Gemini, she is known for her charm and outgoing personality. Annabel comes from a loving family and has a robust support system.

She is admired for her stunning appearance, standing at a height of 5 feet 6 inches and weighing around 130 pounds. Her captivating green eyes and natural red hair make her stand out in the industry. With her talent and hard work, Annabel has achieved over $1 million net worth, making her one of the top rising stars in adult entertainment.

Who is Annabel Redd?

Annabel Redd is an American actress who works in the adult film industry. She was born on June 6, 1997, which makes her 26 years old. Annabel uses a stage name for her work; her real name is a secret. She was born under the star sign Gemini, known for people who are very friendly and like to talk.

Annabel has a look that makes her stand out from other actresses. She is taller than many people at 5 feet 6 inches and has beautiful green eyes and red hair. She has worked hard to succeed in her job, and because of that, she has made over $1 million. This makes her one of the top up-and-coming stars in her industry.


NameAnnabel Redd
Professionadult movie actress & model
Age26 [as of 2024]
Date of Birth6 June 1997
BirthplaceRichmond, Virginia, USA

Early Life and Education

Annabel Redd was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia. She was always a happy and outgoing child, which many say is due to her being a Gemini. As a young girl, she loved to learn and was very good at school. Annabel enjoyed subjects like English and Art more than others. She had a strong group of friends and loved to spend time with them.

Annabel graduated from a high school in her hometown, and after graduation, she decided to enter the adult film industry. She has been successful in her career and continues to learn and grow daily. Annabel’s early life in Virginia shaped her into who she is today.

Parents and Siblings

Annabel Redd’s family are not widely known. We know that she comes from a loving and supportive family. She grew up in Richmond, Virginia, a beautiful place full of history and adventure. Her parents always encouraged her to be herself and to do what makes her happy.

Annabel also has siblings, but it’s unknown how many she has or their names. She likes to keep her private life away from the spotlight. Annabel’s family has always stood by her side, and their love and support have helped her to become the successful person she is today.

Annabel Redd Boyfriend

Annabel Redd has a boyfriend. Like many other things in her life, she keeps this part very private. She believes some things should be for her and not for everyone else. This is an excellent way to save some parts of her life for herself. It’s like having a unique secret that only she knows.

Also, her job keeps her very busy, so she may only have a little time for dating. But if she does have a boyfriend, he would have to be someone who understands her job and supports her. This would be very important to Annabel.

Annabel Redd Age, Height, Weight, and Physical Appearance

Annabel Redd is a young lady who is 26 years old. She was born when the calendar said it was the 6th day of June 1997. Annabel is taller than many of her friends when she stands up straight. She is as tall as 5 foot 6 inches! That’s taller than a lot of grown-ups! If you stood her on a scale, it would say she weighs about 130 pounds.

That’s about as heavy as a big dog! Annabel has a unique look that makes her special. She has sparkling green eyes that shine like emeralds. Her hair is a pretty color that we call red. It’s as bright and beautiful as a sunset! Her fair and smooth skin makes her look like a beautiful doll. These things make Annabel Redd an extraordinary and unique young lady.

Annabel Redd Before Fame

Before Annabel Redd became famous, she was just an ordinary girl from Richmond, Virginia. She loved going to school and learning new things. Her favorite subjects were English and Art.

She also liked to spend time with her friends. Even as a young girl, Annabel was very outgoing and friendly, which Geminis are known for. After finishing high school, she decided to become an actress. And that’s when she chose “Annabel Redd” and began her exciting journey in the adult film industry.

Annabel Redd Career Highlights and Successes of Annabel Redd

Annabel Redd is a big star in the grown-up movie world. She started her career when she was a young adult. Since then, she has worked hard and become very good at her job. People around the world know her name and enjoy watching her movies. Annabel’s hard work has paid off because she now makes much money!

That’s like getting an ample allowance for doing a good job. She has also won many awards for her work. These awards are like getting a gold star in school, but even better. They show that she is one of the best actresses in her industry. Not only is she popular, but she is also respected by her peers. That means other people who do the same job think she is good at it. Her career is a big success; she is only getting started.

Annabel Redd Net Worth 

Annabel Redd her net worth is estimated to $1 million! That’s how much money Annabel Redd has made from her job. Making movies can bring in a lot of money if you’re good at it, like Annabel. But It’s like getting a bigger allowance every time she does a good job. And guess what? Annabel worked hard to fill her piggy bank. She’s a shining example that hard work pays off!

Annabel Redd Achievement and Awards

Actors and actresses get special awards to show how good they are at their jobs. Annabel Redd, our lovely actress, has gotten a lot of these shiny awards! From the start of her career, Annabel’s fantastic talent was noticed by everyone.

She has received several awards in the adult film industry. Each of these awards is like a shiny gold star on her report card, showing everyone how good she is at her job. These awards are significant in the movie world. They show that the person is not just famous, but also very good at their job. Annabel Redd has a whole collection of them!

Getting an award feels like being the star of the day at school. It’s a big deal! And for Annabel, it proves she’s doing a great job. She keeps these awards in a place where she can see them daily. They remind her of all her hard work and success. Every award Annabel Redd wins is like a beautiful shining star in her sky.

Annabel Redd Future Plains

Annabel loves her acting job and wants to keep doing it for as long as she can. Just like how you might want to become a doctor, a teacher, or a firefighter when you grow up, Annabel intends to continue being an actress. She’s constantly learning and getting better at her job. She also wants to help others by teaching them how to act or starting her own movie company!

Just like how a superhero helps others, Annabel wants to use her success to make other people’s dreams come true. And who knows? One day, you could be in a movie with Annabel Redd! It’s a big dream, but remember, dreams come true if you work hard and believe in yourself. So keep dreaming and working hard, just like Annabel Redd!


  • Annabel Redd may be a busy actress, but she enjoys doing other things for fun, just like you. Let’s look at some of the fun activities she likes to do:
  •  Reading Books: Just like some of you love story time, Annabel loves reading books. She enjoys mysteries and funny stories!
  • Drawing: Remember when we said she liked art at school? Well, she still loves to draw. She makes colorful pictures of people, animals, and places.
  • Traveling: Have you ever been on a trip? Annabel likes to visit new places, meet new people, and learn about different cultures.
  •  Cooking: Annabel loves to cook. It’s like being a food scientist. She tries out new recipes and enjoys making yummy food!
  • Walking in Nature: Do you like going to the park? So does Annabel. She wants to take long walks, enjoy the fresh air, and watch the animals.
  • Playing with Pets: If you have a pet, you’ll understand why Annabel loves spending time with animals. They’re so much fun!
  • These are just a few of Annabel’s favorite things to do when she’s not working. Just like you, she has things she loves to do for fun!

Interesting Facts About Annabel Redd

  •  Annabel Redd is a very special actress with a unique look. Her hair is naturally red, which is rare. It’s as unique as a four-leaf clover!
  •  Did you know Annabel loves books? She often spends her free time getting lost in a good story.
  •  Annabel also loves to cook! She often tries out new recipes and enjoys making delicious food.
  •  Annabel has a big love for animals. If she could, she would spend all day playing with them!
  •  She has traveled to many different places for her work. This means she has visited lots of exciting locations!


 Who is Annabel Redd?

She is a famous actress who makes grown-up movies. She was born on June 6, 1997.

 Where was Annabel born?

She was born in Richmond, Virginia. That’s in the USA!

 What does Annabel like to do when she’s not working?

She loves reading books, drawing, traveling, cooking, walking in nature, and playing with pets.

 Is Annabel’s red hair natural?

Yes, her bright red hair is natural.

 How tall is Annabel?

She is 5 foot 6 inches tall. That’s taller than many grown-ups!

 How much money has Annabel made from her job?

She has made over $1 million from her acting job.

Has Annabel won any awards?

Yes, she has won several awards in her industry. These awards show how good she is at her job.

 What is Annabel’s zodiac sign?

Her zodiac sign is Gemini. Geminis are known to be friendly and talkative.


She’s a fantastic actress who is good at her job, just like how you might be good at drawing, playing soccer, or doing math problems! She has made a lot of money from doing what she loves. She’s shown that you can achieve great things if you work hard and never give up.

Annabel was just an ordinary girl from Virginia, but now she is a famous actress! She’s a great example that you can be anything you want to be when you grow up if you put your heart into it! She loves her job and has fun doing it, and that’s the most important thing. After all, life is all about doing things that make you happy!