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Amanda Rabbit

Amanda Rabbit(Actress) Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2023.

 Amanda Rabbit quite a sensation in the entertainment world with her captivating looks and impressive skills. Amanda was born in Colombia on 10 January 1994 and has been making a name for herself ever since.  At this time her age is 29 years old as of 2023. You might have seen her on TV or on social media, where she has a huge fan following. 

Who is Layla Jenner?

Oh dear, it seems we have a little mix-up here! We’re talking about the talented Amanda Rabbit, not Layla Jenner. Amanda is a shining star from Colombia who lights up the screen with her acting and modelling skills.

She’s famous around the world, especially on social media, where she has lots of fans. Stay tuned as we explore more about Amanda’s exciting life and career. We’ll get to know who Layla Jenner is another time. Let’s keep focused on our amazing Amanda for now!


NameAmanda Rabbit
ProfessionActress and Model
Date of Birth10 January 1994
Age29 Years years old as of 2023

Early Life and Education

Little Amanda Rabbit was born in Colombia on a chilly day, January 10, 1994. From a young age, she loved to play pretend and dress up, which sparked her interest in acting and modelling.

Amanda Rabbit went to a local school where she did well. Her favourite subject was drama because she loved telling stories and making people laugh. She also enjoyed art classes where she could express her creativity. Amanda’s love for acting and modelling grew even more as she got older, leading her to the amazing career she has now!

Amanda Rabbit parents and siblings

Amanda Rabbit comes from a loving family in Colombia. She was like the sparkling star in her family, full of energy and smiles. We don’t have a lot of details about her parents and siblings.

However, they always supported her dreams. They encouraged her when she played pretend and dressed up as different characters. They also praised her creativity in art classes. Thanks to their support, Amanda was able to chase her dreams of becoming an actress and model.

Amanda Rabbit Husband and Boyfriend

Curious about Amanda’s love life? Well, this dashing diva likes to keep her private life a secret, which makes her even more fascinating! We don’t have details about her boyfriend or if she’s married.

Like a superhero, Amanda keeps her love life hidden away from the public eye. It’s like a secret mission! Isn’t that cool? However, we do know that she spreads love and positivity to everyone she meets. So, let’s continue to respect her privacy and celebrate her incredible talent!

Amanda Rabbit Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Let’s play detective and uncover some fun facts about Amanda Rabbit! Born on January 10, 1994, she’s 29 years old. Isn’t that cool? Amanda’s as tall as a sunflower, standing 5 feet 7 inches tall! She likes staying fit and healthy, just like a superhero.

Also, Amanda Rabbit weight is 54kg! Like a beautiful princess, she has stunning brown eyes and glossy dark hair. So, if you ever want to play pretend as Amanda, remember these features!

Amanda Rabbit Career

Let’s hop into Amanda Rabbit’s career adventure! Amanda first stepped into the spotlight as a model. She dazzled everyone with her stylish outfits and beautiful poses. After modelling, she hopped into acting.

Amanda Rabbit has acted in lots of TV shows, making people laugh, cry, and cheer! Her skills are like magic, transforming her into any character she plays. Also, Every role she takes on is a new adventure. Amanda truly loves her work and shines brightly in the world of entertainment. Isn’t she amazing?

Amanda Rabbit Before fame

What was Amanda like before she became a famous actress and model? As a little girl, Amanda was always full of energy and joy. Also, She loved playing pretend, dressing up as different characters, and telling fun stories.

Amanda Rabbit was like a little actor in her own home! Amanda also loved art and was always creating beautiful things. All of this was like her own little training for becoming an actress. She was a shining star in her school, just waiting to sparkle in the world of entertainment!

Amanda Rabbit Social Media Presence

Amanda Rabbit loves to hop onto social media! She has lots of fans all over the world who follow her on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. They love seeing her fun posts and photos.

Also, Amanda enjoys sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses from her acting and modelling gigs. She also posts about her favourite things and adventures. So, if you want to know more about Amanda, you can follow her on social media. You never know, she might post something new and exciting today!

Amanda Rabbit Net Worth and Achievements

Wow! Our fabulous Amanda Rabbit has done so well in her career. She’s won several awards for her super acting skills. These shiny trophies show how great she is at acting and modelling. Amanda’s net worth?

Also, It’s like a treasure chest! Although the her net vworth is estimated to $2 million, we know it’s a big number because she’s a successful actress and model. And guess what? She uses some of that treasure to help people and animals! Isn’t she wonderful? Let’s keep cheering for Amanda as she continues her amazing journey.

Amanda Rabbit Legacy and Impact

Just like a superhero leaves a mark, Amanda Rabbit has created a big impact in the world of entertainment. Her incredible acting and modelling skills have inspired many young people to follow their dreams, just like she did.

Also, Amanda Rabbit shows that with hard work and passion, you can become anything you want. Plus, she uses her fame to help others, making the world a better place. Isn’t that awesome? Amanda Rabbit is not just an actress and model; she’s a real-life superhero, creating a lasting legacy!


  • Art: Remember how Amanda loved art classes as a little girl? She still does! She enjoys painting and sketching in her free time. Maybe she can create her superhero one day!
  • Dress-Up: Amanda’s love for dress-up didn’t stop in childhood! Also, She enjoys trying on different outfits and creating new characters. It’s like a mini acting adventure at home!
  • Reading: Amanda loves to dive into different worlds through books. Also, She enjoys fantasy stories the most. It’s like her own magic portal!
  • Helping Animals: Amanda has a big heart for animals. Also, She spends her free time helping out at animal shelters and caring for pets. 

Favorite Thing 

  • Chocolates: Just like many of us, Amanda adores chocolates! She loves all types, but milk chocolate is her absolute favourite. Yummy!
  • Fantasy Books: Amanda enjoys reading books, especially fantasy ones! Also, They whisk her away to magical lands with unicorns and dragons. How exciting!
  • Art Supplies: Remember how much Amanda loves art? So, it’s no surprise that art supplies are her favourite things. Also, She loves colourful paints, sparkly glitter, and fancy sketchbooks.
  • Animal Toys: Since she loves animals, Amanda collects cute animal toys. She loves teddy bears, bunny rabbits, and fluffy kittens the most. Isn’t that adorable?
  • Dress-Up Clothes: Amanda’s all-time favourite thing is her dress-up box full of colourful costumes and accessories. Also, Each piece helps her transform into a different character. It’s like a box full of adventures! Isn’t it fun to know Amanda’s favourite things? Maybe they are your favourites too!


How old is Amanda?

Amanda Rabbit was Born on January 10, 1994, our star is 29 years old.

What’s her favourite colour?

Pink! It makes her feel happy.

Does she have a pet?

Yes, a cute bunny named Snowflake.

Was Amanda a Girl Scout?

Yep! Amanda Rabbit loves camping and adventure.

Can Amanda play any musical instruments?

Absolutely! Amanda Rabbit can play the piano. Aren’t these fun facts cool? Keep asking, little readers!


Wow, wasn’t that a fun adventure learning about Amanda Rabbit? We discovered her talents, passions, and the amazing journey she’s on.

Also, Amanda Rabbit not just an actress and model; she’s a real-life superhero! Remember, like Amanda, you can be anything you want to be. So keep dreaming, exploring, and learning! Who knows, maybe one day you’ll also be a shining star! Thanks for reading, little adventurers. Can’t wait to see where our next blog journey takes us. Bye for now!